
From a village flea-market near Cannes.


Sony RX100. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
i see them. i think. or maybe i'm just imagining a doll leg detached from the rest of the doll. stranger things have happened.

interesting conglomeration of stuff. not quite sure what story all of these items put together would tell, not quite sure i'd want to know either...
There is something odd or even a bit sad when you see a broken dolly; similar to seeing, say an odd shoe on the street and you wonder if there has been an accident. This is not so odd because it seems the market person has made his own little arrangement here and laid it out especially for your photograph;)
But I like this ever so much, an unusual collection, and the colours are excellent.
Thanks all (and glad the images are showing now). I usually don't take shots in flea markets etc as it always feels to me like I am taking something without paying but occasionally something is so compelling that any guilt is overridden (I would have made a donation to the stall holder here - most things were just one Euro - but they were not around). It was initially the juxtaposition of the cherub / halo that drew my eye but the clincher was the framed scenes around that resulted in me taking a single shot of the arrangement. I then moved on and bought the most complex, live mouse trap I have ever seen, an odd James Bond picture holder and a single ceramic 'dish' for cooking a snail in (he was selling a whole box of about 60 but was happy to take 50 cents for one - he looked a bit puzzled). A grand spend of 3 Euros!
nice, who could resist this? is it just me or am I the only one drawn to the lighting on the basket to the left?
Legless again I see Pete! :rolleyes: