Rennes by night

Rense Haveman

Well-Known Member
Have had the annual meeting/workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, a group of dedicated vegetation scientists from all over Europe (and beyond). This years meeting was in Rennes, Brittany, France, and I was accompanied by my wife Annemien and colleague Iris. Here some first impressions of the Sunday evening just before the meeting....

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr

Rennes by Night
by Rense Haveman, on Flickr
I tune in here to all of the above and make Dave's and Julian's words mine, albeit I have not been on flicker. But I have now and I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing these.
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