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alfie Wright

Well-Known Member
That's a cracking set!
content, compo all spot on ... As they say in ... Somewhere I'd rather not go ... Well jell! ;)
very nice conversion too!

(nice to see you on board and all)
Excellent set, Alfie. We've missed you!

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a bedroom tax? I often go to bed when I'm taxed. Probably means something else, though!
Thanks guys for the kind words :)

Excellent set, Alfie. We've missed you!

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a bedroom tax? I often go to bed when I'm taxed. Probably means something else, though!

I didn't know very much about it before I happened upon the demo, Rob. Pete's beaten me a link, so that should explain things a little. With camera in hand it just seemed to good an opportunity not to take a few shots. :)
Cracking set - especially like the shots where you have the placards in frame to give the images context
Come back to these ... I like them!
Whats the process for black and white conversion? It's very nice!

Just checking to see what pics I posted here last & found your question, Hamish.

Better late than never I guess!

I develop the RAW in LR4, I get the white balance correct first then work as colour images trying for a strong but still natural looking contrast mostly just with global adjustments. I add some clarity (+25 ish) & some vibrance (+10 ish) sometimes I'll locally brighten or darken a colour to give a little separation after B&W conversion & sharpen a little.

Then into Silver fx to convert to B&W I'll add a little brightness to the mids & darken the shadow brightness then balance the overall brightness with the global & dynamic sliders. Add contrast to taste amplifying whites a little & blacks more then again balance contrast with the global & soft contrast sliders. Add some texture then play with control points to lighten/darken to lead the eye a little. Add a little vignette or burn edges etc

Then back to LR4 & perhaps fine tune with a little more clarity & sharpen to taste.

I'm experimenting with Nik sharpener pro atm though to get control over local sharpening for effect.
Really good set.
One thing that strikes me is that apart from clues in the various placards, there is little to give away when these were taken. They could be from a current protest, or from years ago.

Anyway, I can feel the mood. Well done.