Now, that’s my kind of colour photo, where colour becomes as much the subject as anything else in the frame. I have no idea what is going on in the shot, but as a tone-poem, it is beautiful. Congratulations, Gianluca. I am your slave!
Now, that’s my kind of colour photo, where colour becomes as much the subject as anything else in the frame. I have no idea what is going on in the shot, but as a tone-poem, it is beautiful. Congratulations, Gianluca. I am your slave!

What is going on: the penguin aquarium at Munich Zoo.
i was really hoping that i wasn't going to find the immortal soul of the supreme court justice who wouldn't die staring back at me when i clicked on this thread. and then i realized i might be dyslexic and it was rgb and not rbg.

i figured out the kid was looking at something, but i wouldn't have guessed penguin. i was thinking more like airplane out the airport window. there's a lot of energy in this photo. and i'm really glad it's not a photo of ruth bader ginsburg.