
Pretty cool Rob! This is a really good shot!
These are those type of shots that have more meaning and emotion to the photographer than the viewer.
Not to say that this isn't a great candid shot Rob at all. I'm sure you know what I mean.
I fear sometimes that when I post pictures of my family it seems to be more of a personal capture than a photo to receive critique in regards to composition, technique, etc.
It takes a good level of confidence to display these type of shots...
Does everyone know what I mean??
Or am I chatting B S ???
Coming from a man who looks like he's into a bit of extreme Thrash Metal, and stage moshing and face boshing with that geeetar of yours!!! :D:D:D
Rob, do you have any of your music on media at all (apologies for going off subject) :)
Rob, that's a mint shot right there - love the squinty look, the desaturated colors, and the nice retro frame

My experience tells me that the females in the family are rarely happy with pictures of them - so you just have to suck it up and take 'em anyway.

SWMBO insists on a 'first right of refusal' on any pics - which just means I only show her certain shots! :D
Thanks, Chris.

Dan, my music is the opposite of thrash metal - lutes with gut strings. I mostly do historical stuff, 17th and 18th century. Check me out on iTunes!
If you could see the rest of the avatar image you would see Rob's actually wearing some breaches, a shirt with impossibly baggy arms and some curly tipped boots. He also has a hat with a feather in it.

I like it because you can see by her expression that Rhona is actually taking a photo rather than just posing with the camera to her face. Love the splatter frame as well, very cool.
Well, you asked for it (OK, you didn't, but here we go)



that is seriously very cool Rob, I could see myself listening to that while driving round the highlands.. at the moment it's DeBussy
Oh, I can't compete with Debussy! Wonderful composer.

he certainly is , usually i have the Suite Bergamasque on (inc Clair De Lune) and whilst it's supposed to be about moonlight for me it screams water, a bubbling stream etc but anyhoo i've strayed off topic
WOW didnt see that coming at all...........not only a very talented tog, but an even more taleneted musician..........you make me sick :p

just goes to show, we all natter on here about our photos & other random stuff, but in reality we know sod all about each other.

maybe Rob but i really dont think we need or ever want to know what DD get's up to ouside RPF do we ;)
That is seriously cool...I'm definitely going to have to get some of that to listen to while I'm working. (It helps me concentrate).

The tone of the guitar in that last piece was wonderful...
You're a very talented guy, Rob! Love the lute music and the jazz guitar, too. Watched one of your lessons also. Way over my head guitar-wize, but very very cool!