Roadside Rocket

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
America is a strange place. As you drive along the freeways, you'll see giant donuts, giant burgers, and maybe even a giant rocket!

This is the payload stage of a Delta III rocket - sitting on the side of Interstate 5 in Santa Ana, CA.


The Delta III rocket was designed and engineered by Boeing in Orange county, and first launched in 1960. This nosecone would carry a 4.5 ton orbital satellite.

You can find information on this and many other roadside wonders here: Roadside America - Guide to Uniquely Odd Tourist Attractions

X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens
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Close up of the engine bell and plumbing


X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens
Amazing some of the things you find beside the side of the road!! I remember when they built a flying saucer resturant outside the gates of USAF Alconbury in Cambridgeshire for the US serviceman to use somebody had the bright idea that it would attract them (the resturant closed in the end it became a macdonalds)Love the second shot Chris
Thanks Dave - I think I've been in that McDonalds!

There's a flying saucer motel in Gila Bend AZ that we drive by sometimes - I'll have to take some pics :)
I like the first shot very much, Chris. How do you get the dark sky? Is it a filter or in-camera processing or post-processing or what? Thanks.
Thanks Brian - I used a polarizer when I took the shot, then used a RED filter in my B&W PP to get the sky nearly black - so a bit of both.

You could have used a polarizer and red filter on a film camera with B&W film to get the same effect I think.
Thanks Rob - used a push process preset to start the B&W, think it suits the theme nicely with slightly harder blacks and more grain