Room 237

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
For the Kubrick fans. This is fun documentary. The Apollos moon landing stuff is hilarious. Some of the others have rather astute observations on a very complex film:

You can also stream it off Netflix.
Thanks Steve. Will watch this later as the connection in the hotel is a bit intermittent!

The one "interpreter" who plays the film simultaneously backwards and forwards is pretty fascinating. On that one I think he's seeing things that are more a function of Kubrick's compositional preferences. The Native American/Holocaust stuff of course is very accurate/obvious. The more interesting part to me is the continuity "errors." They are certainly to numerous to not be intentional. I love the carpet reversal. In many ways this film is a similar to 2001 except perhaps the obverse of mankind's potential. It's definitely a journey inwards to the subconscious as opposed to outwards to the stars. It's just not very pretty what resides there.