Royal Photographic Society

Davie Hudson

Well-Known Member
Has anyone went down the line of submitting photographs to them for inclusion into their society ? Also could it be useful as a marketing tool if one was accepted ?
I did toy with the idea many years ago but didn't take it up in the end. I went to an assessment day and came away with the impression that if wasn't a immaculately printed, gallery-mounted B&W print you were at an immediate disadvantage. This was a problem as I was taking colour transparencies at the time.

That, I hasten to add, is just my personal impression and things may well have changed since.

They now accept digital images, but the criteria for format etc are quite specific.

The assessment days are worth going to, they will review submissions from as many people as they can in the time so you can get an idea of the criteria they will be using for the formal submissions. They used to run some of these in the regions, you'd need to check the website for details.

As for whether it helps in marketing, I can't say but a lot of photographers selling the efforts on local market stalls seem to have RPS qualifications or one level or another.
Thats the same impression I got from people weho had been through the process, personnaly I wouldn't, it is one of those 'Got to follow the rules' processes...
I've just been trawling through some of the older posts and thought I would add to this one. I applied a few years ago and wasn't successful. My prints were professionally mounted, but as the RPS staff put them up for deliberation, a finger must have pushed a bit of the print through to the front. I got slated for that and marked down. I don't remember much else other than one of my street photographs was deemed to have "one person too many", as if I had set it up. No sour grapes, but Kev is right about following the rules. I also think people do better if they join the forum and ask for mentoring by one of the judges. It didn't turn out to be my kind of thing, so I didn't try a second time :)