RPF meet pookie the bengal kitten

Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
this is pookie our new bengal kitten, i would love to say shes a bundle of joy but shes a f***ing nightmare!! i was trying to take some nice shots of her but she runs around like a whirl wind leving a path of destruction. hopefully you will see more of her but this is all i have right now!

pookie and casper investigating the kodak brownie she has just pulled off the shelf

anything that dangles automatically becomes her new toy......... extra care is taken when im showering :)

because this happens

thanks for looking
Awwwww, cute!

Looks like a handful though - maybe she'll calm down after a year or three :D

Love #2 - great perspective
awwwwww nice shots, i dont trust cats, there sneaky and generally dont get on with me......
let's just say, you cross her and she'll stab you in the head when you sleep :)

a friend of her grandmother once remarked on her hair by saying " I bet they call you carrot top eh? " she replied with a completely straight face " only the once" she was 11