Sabrina Symmetry

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I took this shot after a promotional charity run shoot I did for a firms who's been running all kinds of marathons for 10 years now (shall post those pics soon).
As we went our seperate ways, he went over the Sabrina foot bridge in worester and I went under it.
As I still had my camera in my hand I thought I'd try a bit of 'think like film' shooting.
After a painstaking 30 secs of hardcore viewfinder analysing, breathing control and positioning, I pressed once, and succeeded the shot I was after.
I resisted the temptation to snap away willy nilly and sort the mess out after.


Thanks for looking :)
Thanks Rob.
I thought I posted this thread last night...... But I did have a drink ;)
Really nice abstract. Really like the symmetry :)
Obviously , time well spent both in setting up and
processing. This is one I'd be tempted to take into
the private computer I have in a closet and do
depraved unspeakable things to it in PP :)
:D:D Thanks Ron!
Into a bit of abstract pleasure then? :p :D
Love the way you've exposed for the shadows, and captured the tones - that's also blown out the sky, but I think it really works here to focus the viewer on the bridge detail
Great shot Dan. Full of suspense for me, for I want to know what's beyond (i.e., below the bottom edge of the frame.) Very nice.
Works well Dan, I like it. Having spent time analysing the view why did you end up choosing this particular composition? No sinister reason for asking just thought it would be interesting to add your thought process to the image. :)

I have been meaning to reply to your answer, I haven't forgot..... Just been rushed off my feet.
I shall get back to you soon. ;)
Great shot Dan. Full of suspense for me, for I want to know what's beyond (i.e., below the bottom edge of the frame.) Very nice.

Thanks Brian, I may just go back there and have another go at a different angle and show more! :)