Sam hard at work

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
One of the guys I work with, top guy he is.
He didn't mind me taken piccies whilst he was working.... Good job really isn't it. Lol

XP2 film, now mono toned after a good point mention earlier.

Untitled by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
A nice portrait Dan
so your in the xp2 circle now are you? (there's a circle now - I just decided)

To be fair H, I'm going to be XP2 circle that I've just spontaneously and happily undecidedly joined :)
For the 2 following reasons:
A - my Oly digital is down at the camera graveyard until further notice. (They do come alive from time to time (I hope))
B - I'm absolutely loving XP2. The results/tones and everything else about it are fab, and without going over reasons with film that you all already know. :)
Thanks Pete,
I've forwarded that onto him and he's chuffed about it.