Samyang AE 14 mm f/2.8 lens

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
This looks interesting ...,157,c..._if_umc_aspherical_available_since_february_2


available January
I've seen these and other lenses by the same company for sale on Ebay. I've wondered i fthey are any good our not. They're cheap compared to other makes of lenses but not exactly cheap, still over a couple of hundred quid so bit risky taking a punt on it.
FX which of course will work on DX. Manual focus but "chipped" so it can communicate with the camera, giving full EXIF data, and distance information for TTL flash. With the incredible depth of field of a 14mm lens, manual focus should be no problem. No idea how it is optically. I mortgaged the ranch and bought the 14-24mm f/2.8 Nikkor and find that I do shoot a lot at the 14mm focal length.
We sell them in the shop, we have had nothing but positive reports about the 8mm ... In fact I asked one chap who bought one to join here and show us the results when he gets back from holiday...
It seems to be available soon at the £300 ish mark. By all accounts on the web its actually an excellent performer. Hopefully the the hype is true. I still have bad memories of various hifi products that were raved about and supposedly the next best thing on a shoe string for them only to fade away as quickly as they arrived. For the hifi people here remember the Leak Stereo 20 or the T-Amp! The difference with lenses though is that the test measurements match the performance with the bad ones just being rubbish or having some subjective artistic effect on the image.