Santa Fe Railyard

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Santa Fe’s Railyard is now home to more than trains. It is fast becoming a vibrant eclectic area filled with art, dining, entertainment and recreation.

Here's the old water tower, taken about 30 mins after sunset with a long 15 sec exposure.


Canon 5D2 and 28-70 f2.8L lens - ISO 100 / f8
Lovely shot, Chris. The colors are wonderful. Love the composition, too. The line of that roof leads me to the water tower very comfortably indeed.
Pete - the body in this case, was a stack of speakers from some outdoor concert event that had been going on all afternoon.

I hoped they'd be done, and move the damn van before I needed to take the shot - but they were sloowww, and hence the van became part of the final comp!