"What's to be seen, when one looks hard into the darkness? 'tis nothingness that's grinning back at me "Very nice shot, Julian, inviting us to imagine what she is thinking.
Oh yes, she's a she all rightYou obviously have a sensitive eye for cats. I too think it's a she.
"What's to be seen, when one looks hard into the darkness? 'tis nothingness that's grinning back at me "
"Did I just see a mouse over there?"imagine what she is thinking
Neither. Some lyrics that I remembered from the past, written by me when I was much much younger than I am now.Nietzsche or Pink Floyd, Julian?
Neither. Some lyrics that I remembered from the past, written by me when I was much much younger than I am now.
Morwenna, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Is she of Welsh or Cornish extraction?
lovely cat you have !
Ah, but I was so much older then - I'm younger than that now.written by me when I was much much younger than I am now.
hilariousAh, but I was so much older then - I'm younger than that now.
I also use Kentmere 400, in both 35 and 120... still not decided about it. Something is not right with this type of emulsion, but probably it's just me and I need more time to like it.Lovely tones in the shadows, really adds to the mood. Have you tried other kentmere films besides the 100?