Shop Fronts

Paul Lange

These were / are part of my Walls project but although I liked them I am not 100% sure they fit with the other images. Maybe I should start a new project called Shop Fronts...........o_O

Been bit busy with other stuff lately and looking for something new to get me out taking photos again.

This shop is in the old part of Baku, little more than a door leading to a small room crammed with stuff.

This is a shop in the newer part of Baku. Still quite old being from Soviet times.
Certainly the first is far more inviting than the second, but both make interesting photos. Is that Lenin on a bag? Love the wee broom in the second.
The first is a treat. That golden/brass thingy to left of door looks a bit lively too. A golden robot maybe. Did you go inside Paul; looks so inviting. What is Baku like? Big oil/gas city I think.
The second shop is not as pretty but is also an interesting shop front. I like seeing how and where people in foreign countries do their daily business.
I suspect the bulbs are as dim as we have, either that or brighter but don't last very long. It's the price of progress.

I didn't go inside as at the time I really couldn't be bothered to listen to the hard sell I probably would have received. Baku is quite good really, an interesting place. Over the last 10 years it has really been developed but there is still plenty of the older Soviet / Middle Eastern look to much of it.