Should I chop em in for a FM3a

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I like my Nikon collection (what's left of it)
F, f2, f3hp, fe, fa, fm2n
the fm3a with its fully mechanical shutter (should the battery fail) and electric shutter when used on auto is perhaps the peak of manual focus camera as far as I'm concerned
it also has lots of nice little fetures like matched nedle metering and ttl flash etc
but to get one I would need to sell the collection (Fm3a's go for £350 - £1000+).
collection which I like or one camera which I would definitely use... That's the question!

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I can completely relate to this Hamish, I have been pondering scraping most of my Canon 35mm collection in order to afford Canon 1v, their last flagship 35mm. Goes for a similar price as the one you are looking at. It's definitely a hard decision, I love shooting with the old slrs and old lens but I am now at a point where I'm thinking it would be nice to have an excellent more modern film slr that uses my newer lenses. But they are very pleasing to the eye, can't see the need in having both old and new, as old would just sit on the shelf, so for me its one or the other.

No easy answer I'm afraid. (I've made my decision but I'll keep that secret so as not to sway your decision, ha ha).
I'm not quite sure why you would use the FM3A but not, say, the FE that you already have. The major functionality that you desire is in that body: would you make much use of TTL flash? The F3 gives you the flexibility of the various system components like WLF, magnifier etc (quite useful on a copy stand and for use at low level). You even have two fully mechanical cameras if you need them (just in case you get a job in an oil refinery!). And you have a nice collection to fiddle with, look at etc when you aren't using them.

In some ways there might be more logic in getting an F6 rather than the the FM3A. It would give you a platform that can use both your MF lenses and your AF glass.

If none of that is persuasive enough, Commercial Cameras has a nice FM3A for £549 (possibly unused and certainly in mint condition if I know Paul).

Commercial Cameras - Used Photographic Equipment