Hamish Gill
Tech Support (and Marketing)
I like my Nikon collection (what's left of it)
F, f2, f3hp, fe, fa, fm2n
the fm3a with its fully mechanical shutter (should the battery fail) and electric shutter when used on auto is perhaps the peak of manual focus camera as far as I'm concerned
it also has lots of nice little fetures like matched nedle metering and ttl flash etc
but to get one I would need to sell the collection (Fm3a's go for £350 - £1000+).
collection which I like or one camera which I would definitely use... That's the question!
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F, f2, f3hp, fe, fa, fm2n
the fm3a with its fully mechanical shutter (should the battery fail) and electric shutter when used on auto is perhaps the peak of manual focus camera as far as I'm concerned
it also has lots of nice little fetures like matched nedle metering and ttl flash etc
but to get one I would need to sell the collection (Fm3a's go for £350 - £1000+).
collection which I like or one camera which I would definitely use... That's the question!
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