Signed up for a photography course

sounds like a good opportunity to tout this place to some strangers ...
oh yeah, erm learning stuff too ... ;)

Cant complain for a £5 eh!
Keep us posted on what you learn ... as Pete says at least one of us will have a clue ;)
Good for You Rob, Reckon you'll enjoy it, I did my HND Photography & Digital Imaging back in 2009 and loved every minute of it:)
Rob, looks excellent

I took a read of the curriculum:

The course will introduce the full range of basic aspects of digital photography including:

  • ‘ways of seeing’ and the elements of composition
  • the basic principles of capturing light information digitally (e.g. sensors, memory, file types)
  • the digital workflow (capture, organise, edit and share)
  • how to control exposure
  • how to control focus and Depth of Field
  • digital colour management – an introduction
  • how to print and project your images
  • how to technically and creatively improve your own or others’ images using Photoshop Elements.

That's a lot of very useful content - will be keen to see what you think as you work through it.

There's always something new to learn! :)
Yes, it seems fairly comprehensive for a basics course. I'll keep you posted. The Open University has a good reputation for having well thought out and planned courses.
I think you will certainly find you questions from the other day more comprehensively answered than we managed!
Looking forward to seeing your progress through!
If you fancied it, you could carry on your blog through the course... I reckon that would make for interesting reading!
No pressure though, I'm sure you will be busy enough!
Fair play Rob! That's a great thing to do when starting out in photography.
Like bieng taught to drive through driving lessons, rather than teaching yourself through other rebellious means :D:D
Not that that's what I did in my younger days, but you see were I'm coming from! :D:D

That's an excellent thing to do Rob.
Me and Allan done a course a while back and similarly to yourself I done it on the basis I was getting it for nothing :) the course you're doing looks a lot better than ours though as I personally wanted more in the lines of studio and portrait (stuff i don't normally do) and ending up doing landscape( which i do normally do lol)