Sitting, Reading, Walking, Looking and waiting....

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks back, when the weather was more inviting I took a deep breath and ventured into town to people shoot, something I really don't do as a rule but it was fruitful...:)

Sitting and reading....

Sitting Standing and Walking 5 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

Sitting and Browsing...

Sitting Standing and Walking 2 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr


Sitting Standing and Walking 6 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

Walking and Looking...

Sitting Standing and Walking 4 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr


Sitting Standing and Walking 3 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr


Sitting Standing and Walking by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
All great shots ........ Good work Kev.

Loving the two reading shots, and the one of the chap looking into his shopping bag - great timing!
Great photos...

but what is that behind the man on the park bench in #2 ?

It looks like he's being stalked by a large stone elephant....:)
Brilliant set of people shots them all............!!

Thanks All, my fave is the old chap with the bag too :)

Adrian the 'thing' behind the fella in on the bench in the #2 is a stone sculpture of a rather simplistic face, the meaning of which I am at a loss to explain...:D but I did use it for my 'C' in the Alphabet thread....