Sleepy from Seattle

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Bookworms get sleepy in downtown Starbucks


5D2 and 50mm f1.2 @ f1.6
lovely capture mate!
i thought this was a film shot wen i first saw it, you are certainly achieving a similar feel from both mediums!
and giving that lens a proper wrok out!
you still loving it?
the tone, the feel and the background are all spot on... B&W at it's best
I'm not surprised she's falling asleep.. he looks to be reading from Steve Jobs biography if you zoom in....:D
brilliant, well spotted chris, maybe hes not very good company? lol
Haha!! Excellent capture Chris!!
maybe it's a first date.... and things are not going too well. the guy looks disgusted in her for falling asleep. :D:D
lovely capture mate!
i thought this was a film shot wen i first saw it, you are certainly achieving a similar feel from both mediums!
and giving that lens a proper wrok out!
you still loving it?

Na, think I might trade it in Hamish.. NOT! :D

Topaz B&W is allowing me to get the look of film nicely - worth investigating for those looking to PP in B&W
I'm not surprised she's falling asleep.. he looks to be reading from Steve Jobs biography if you zoom in....:D

Well spotted - I have another frame where you can clearly see that it's the SJ bio.

My wife said that they don't look well matched - she looked 'too cute' for him, she commented... :D
I like the timing in this pic.
I think black and white it a good idea.

Thanks Kyle

Your street shots have inspired me to get my camera out and photograph people in public, something I find hard to do, but only because I have a mental block about what they'll think if I point a camera at them!
Wonderful shot Chris. Timing, tone, and content. Super. I'd probably lose the person in the background on the left but then it wouldn't be 16:9!!

Go on, say it Pete, say the S word... :D :D :D