Slow Traffic

Thanks Pete, having played with it I really feel a 60's feel even with the modern technology in shot :D
Actually Pete Believe this or not they are actually identical twins and they do the same route every day at the same time...oh getting old is going to be so easy :D
I like that. Now these could so easily become the subject of a nice portrait series. Might be worth asking - a bit of charm from that tall young man from up the road!!

I have been thinking about starting a series of images about the people who form part of my life but to whom I'm not close: shop keepers, restaurant owners etc. This idea was seeded by an article on the BBC website about a lady who decided to find out more about the people she encountered every day (man in street, owner of corner shop etc) - I thought it was a wonderful idea but I have yet to do something similar. I think this year might see the start of several new projects!

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Intimate strangers
What great observation - I'm loving the subject and composition

Rush hour at the park :D
Thanks Pete/Chris

Yes I've been thinking somewhere along the same lines but I don't actually come across that many people, I live out of the village somewhat and it's only when I walk the dawg that I come across these characters......Still theres food for thought and I agree I think there will be a fair few projects ongoing this year from RPF members...:)
Truly a great shot . Great story to follow reminds me of the type of working class pictures.