Some Days....

Dave Young

Well-Known Member
Last night was one of those nights.... I popped down to Stratford to meet up with a few people I know from a FB group I belong to, to photograph some fire spinners outside the RSC.

Thinking it would be a good opportunity to test out the new Fuji for me, I was quite excited to go along...

Let's just say I wish I hadn't bothered! I think I shot around 80 odd images, none of which are any good whatsoever :( Trying to use a wobbly Jessops tripod without a reasonable cable release, coupled with the inability to focus in 'no' light conditions does not make for a good combination! :rolleyes: :D

Just to add insult to injury, Stratford was absolutely manic (thanks to David Tennant being in town playing at the RSC) and having finally found a parking spot - I got back to the car to find a parking ticket flapping gently on the windscreen which is now going to cost me £25.00... It seems parking restrictions in Stratford are in force until 10.00pm and not 09.00pm as I thought! (That's the spare battery and filters gone from this weeks budget).

So, all in all not a great evening!
It happens. I had a similar focussing problem last year in the Peak District. Pre-dawn was stunning, with a temperature inversion in the valley and wild colours in the sky, only the lens refused to focus. I guessed and got lucky, but I've lost other shots due to a wobbly tripod. It's getting out that's important :)