Matthew McKendry
Well-Known Member
This past semester my college has started an astronomy club, and it turns out I'm the member with the most photography experience (scary!) In anticipation of using some of the university's equipment, including a 14'' celestron telescope, I decided to get out the tripod on a recent clear night. (It was entirely too cold for me to bother getting out my own 5'' Meade telescope, so I just used my 55-300mm lens, allowing a much quicker escape back inside to the warmth after these shots were taken )
The second image shows the lower half of Orion, the three belt stars being visible slightly left off center, and the Orion nebula (M42) below that.
The second image shows the Pleiades star cluster (M45)
The second image shows the lower half of Orion, the three belt stars being visible slightly left off center, and the Orion nebula (M42) below that.
The second image shows the Pleiades star cluster (M45)