Julian de'Courcy

Well-Known Member
I read and replied to Ivar's post of the festivities in his village which seemed to be a good day by all. It reminded me that a few weeks ago we had our own festive week, where in the evenings they have music on the harbour jetty. These days I can take or leave it, being loud to the extent you feel the music rather than hear it. I stay long enough to get a snap or two, on this one visit for music that week I happened across an Irish punk band.








Nice collection of instruments :)

I've not seen Merrill shots of live bands - look good to me.
Yes thanks Rob, looked ok to me , Merrill's iso 1000 shots in colour, I like the imperfection of these cameras, I like the blotches, the scars they leave when they cannot hack it, I can connect with those traits, something visually endearing, some how a match for the oddballs in the band ;) .
+1 for mic beer holder :)
Thank Martin, a prerequisite within the contract I am sure, as is it for a punk band to turn up late by quite a margin for the gig. But they were well behaved, much more so than the days I'd frequent the Marque club in the 70's and the bands back then. Or have we simply become acclimatised .
Merrill night shots! Nicely done, Julian. Which Merrill?
Thank you Brian,Just checked and the first two and last two were the Dp3.
I have an extension Brian in my browser, an exif extension, so i can right click on an image and choose to show exif of images. That is as long as it contains the info of course and it is not being shown with Adobe flash, which some sites use. Find it handy if people like me forget to mention camera type and all. Quite a useful tool.
I liked them all and the punks seem to come out at night. I especially liked the second as it portrays the characters in a very concentrated mood. At our festival I stayed 3/4 of an hour. Too many people and too crowded as well as noisy.
I liked them all and the punks seem to come out at night. I especially liked the second as it portrays the characters in a very concentrated mood. At our festival I stayed 3/4 of an hour. Too many people and too crowded as well as noisy.
Yes this was noisy as well Ivar, I stayed a short while close to them and then listened from afar, befor,e as old people do, returned home to have an early night with a cup of cocoa