Some Successful Film Developing

Paul Lange

These are just an odd bunch of photographs really. They are from the same roll that after a few attempts of developing film I am starting to get more consistent results and just wanted to show everyone. My first films that were developed using Ilfosol were very grainy and lacked contrast. I posted some scans recently that were also very grainy but I think that was because I washed the negative with very cold water. Causes grain reticulation or somethign like that, sounds painful. Also it seems that just because Ilford produce a chart to calculate developing time at 16 deg C doesn't mean its a good idea! Slowly I am developing (pun intended) my own regime and now I am no longer a bunch of fingers and thumbs.

These have just had some curves adjustment and the trolley image had a few specks of dust cloned out because I couldn't be bothered to re-scan it again. Most are from Wimpole Hall, a stately home that was donated to the National Trust after the last owner died. One is from London taken under Waterloo bridge or maybe the next one along. The doorway at one time was for a club called the Buddha Bar I think. Odd place for a club but I do wonder if it is an amazing space inside.

Cart 2.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Wimpole Libaray.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Wimpole House Chair By Window 2.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Budda Bar Now Closed.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Wimpole Garden Statue 2.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Cheers Pete. You know after I posted I did think that I should have mentioned the film. FP4 at 125 ISO. Developed at 24 deg C in DD-X for 8 minutes with agitation every minute. The photo of under the bridge is a little blurred though because, I discovered, the distance gauge on the lens is out by quite a bit. I think someone may have removed the barrel and some point and not put it back properly. I'm about to get the tools out!
These are very good, Paul, especially the first three. Must be a great feeling, developing your own film.

BTW, Paul, I will be in London next week, but with a busy schedule with the family over four days. Doubt I'll get time to see you. Maybe next time.
They look great :D
Paul, these are very nice. I particularly like the first two.
Looking very crisp Paul - especially like the #2 and #3 - right on the money I'd say