Some tilty looking engineers

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I had about the best days work as a photographer today ... It involved taking photos for a precision engineering company whos md also runs a bbq catering company. My fave type of photos combined with vast quantities of meat! Awesome!

So anyway I happened to mention to the md that I had bought a tilt lens with me ... "oh" he says "make sure to take some shots with it, I love that effect" ... So, I got them to lift me up into the air on the front of a fork lift to get a bit of height ...

The result ... the miniaturization effect is subtle, but I think they have worked out quite well!

Cube by F8 Creates, on Flickr

Cube by F8 Creates, on Flickr
Amazing how realistic Airfix models are these days - well done Hamish! ;)
The pics do look like miniatures. Love it. And the BBQ is a great bonus!