South Wall At Dusk

Hi Brian;

Is Arista EDU 400asa in 35mm or 120 film format available to buy in the UK I wonder ? Can anyone shed any light on this please?

I guess it probably is indeed available in the UK, Peter, but perhaps not under that name. Arista is a house brand for Freestyle Photo Supply which is based here in Los Angeles. However, I think Arista EDU is rebranded Fomapan. (Their Arista Premium--which they no longer have I think--was rebranded Kodak, either Tri-X or Plus-X, depending on which ASA you wanted.)
I like the tones and composition on this a lot, Brian. I think I might crop the left edge slightly to remove the first evergreen with the flare on it as it tends to distract my eye quite a bit. Another option might be to crop down the left edge quite a bit to remove all of the tall evergreens, emphasizing the more abstract nature. Nice shot regardless, though.
Ay I like that - simplistic but not too simple - if that makes any sort of sense at all ;)
I like the tones and composition on this a lot, Brian. I think I might crop the left edge slightly to remove the first evergreen with the flare on it as it tends to distract my eye quite a bit. Another option might be to crop down the left edge quite a bit to remove all of the tall evergreens, emphasizing the more abstract nature. Nice shot regardless, though.
Thanks a lot, Keith. That little flare on the left bothered me slightly also so your comments and suggestions are right on. Thanks again.