Speed Graphic 5"x4" + 7" Aero Ektar

At last I have got round to fitting the Aero Ektar to the Speed Graphic. Below you can see the lens mounted using a custom-made board to which a threaded tube has been fitted. The advantage of this is that the cutout of the front standard does not need to be eased to accommodate the large diameter of the rear element. The disadvantage is that it throws the centre of gravity a long way forward and strains the standard. I also have a JoLo panel which pushes the centre of gravity further back but will need the cutout to be filed slightly. I will do this at the weekend as I think it will be the better option in the long run and the modification to the front standard will not affect the functioning of the camera nor the mounting of 'normal' lenses. The image also shows the JoLo lens hood and, just visible, the JoLo filter holder.




Sony RX 100. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX 4.
Saw one of these on eBay today...dreamt about it for three seconds or so. Got to know what you are doing. Looking forward to your shots, Pete.
Pete I'd not know where to begin to be honest. But it looks very impressive. It does resemble the x-ray department I've frequented a lot lately but far more interesting :)
Pete's workshop - what a treasure trove - can't wait to see the results
I'm about to fit a 17" f5.6 Telephoto to my (new to me) Pacemaker Speed Graphic, in terms of balance etc it's not far different. It's a coated ex-military lens probably made by Ross, if not the Dallmeyer. I'll also try my 6" f3.5 Dallmeyer Press lens if I've got a spare flange.

In Turkey I regularly shoot 5x4 Crown & Super Graphics hand-held 1/125 sometimes 1/250 @ f22 HP5 box speed in Pyrocat HD, although with the telephoto or Dallmeyer Press lens I'd be happy to shoot some subjects (portraits etc) at wider apertures. I'm after the fast CZJ 165mm f2.8 Tessar in a barrel or better still a Compur or Compound shutter.
