
Certainly looks like speilberg grading if that's what you mean... Very war of the worlds in colour ... Just needs a bit more grain for a fully fledged war of the worlds look!
Very nice
I love the shadow on the wall!
The highlight lower right is a touch distracting though
A square crop fixes it...

But maybe loses something else ... Not sure ...
Nice Rob, I see what Hamish means about the left hand side but I don't see it as an issue although if you did feel compelled to crop maybe just a bit so you still had some of the blown out area shown maybe. I like the slightly jaunty angle, I feel it really works with the image and they way you are looking up at something.
I like the shadow on the wall too as well as the light popping in over the fellow's left shoulder. This image has some kind of etherial quality going for it in my opinion. Very nice, Rob!
Thanks, guys. I might crop somewhere inbetween the original and Hamish's square, which I think is a little too much. I love the ball of light over the Dad's shoulder.