Spirits of a Time Past

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Sorry it's another old shot, although again one that had been left until I found out how to PP it properly, plus it's a reject. However with the right PP it's ok.


It's the lady on the right that makes this picture for me and I think your PP just makes her a little less visible. She looks to me like a little old lady scurrying away from the dark figure in the background (I'm sure you are aware of where this is taken Pete). I like the desaturation that you have done, but it's just a tad to dark for me. I would however, looking at it again consider a crop just above the puddle on the right.
The figure on the right looks more like a man in jeans walking away from the camera rather than an old lady walking towards. I like both but I think the second makes more of a point of this person as once you spot they're there you begin to get drawn in to a dialogue with the image. That might sound like a load of fine art bollocks but hopefully you know what I mean.
I agree with the crop Vic (didn't dare say ;) ). I suspect that the PP is too strong on the small version but am sure you could keep the figure clearer on the full siye image and probably enahnce the relationship between the two. I used Nik SilverFX - it might be worth having a go with the trial version as it is fully functional and a control point on each figure migt do the trick.
Try as I might Paul I cannot get the figure to look like a man in jeans walking away, it's funny how once you see something that's vague in a picture as one thing it's hard to then see it as another. Although in Petes edit I am able to see a man walking away.

As for the crop Pete. I think you now have me trained to spot the crops I should be making in future.

If I manage to get out at the weekend I will try the trial version so at least then I'll have a few to work on. Although I guess I have a few that I could work on, but I need some new stuff and I'm missing the buzz I get from working on new photos.

It's someone walking. It's not a church it's a watch tower.It's taken at Auschwitz, my plan was to capture people walking about but have them blurred but I over did it a little here. In most of the others it didn't really go as planned, so whilst looking through them the other month I found this one and thought I'd give it a try.

I had noticed the blur, but I thought I might get away with it:)
Oooo I can see the dace also now
There is a face ... Vic... What's with you and spooky faces mate ... One could go a life time and not capture one ... You have 2 from the worlds most well known WWII death camp!!