Critique Welcomed St Catherine's Chapel, Abbotsbury

Stevenson Gawen

Well-Known Member
Yesterday evening I was driving home to Chard from near London. It had been a hectic few days one way and another and although the stress was over, I couldn't seem to unwind. I'd already lost my temper (mostly internally I'm glad to say!) with a bad driver in the afternoon rush, and I eventually decided to divert via Bridport and Abbotsbury - the latter has been on my 'visit' list ever since I've been in the UK as my parents and I lived there for a while when I was a tiddler... I mean toddler. ;)

I decided to park and walk up the hill to St Catherine's Chapel which I had already discovered is quite a landmark here.

It was a lovely Sunday evening and the stress slipped away as I started plodding up the hill. Must remember that... :)

I didn't find any one amazing shot, I don't think, but I feel like this set (it took a bit of whittling to get it down the 10 per post limit!) captures some of the serenity of the evening. It's an amazing building too, dating from the 14th century.'s_Chapel,_Abbotsbury

I met no one except a lovely lady walking her dog as I was about to head back down who was a mine of interesting bits of history in the local area. I think some research may be indicated...

Giving the 'vintage' cameras a break, these were all shot on my D750 with 24-70mm f2.8 lens. I'd almost forgotten how sharp and 'perfect' this combination is 😂 . These downsized versions don't really do the originals justice.




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Very nice selection that strives give more than the image itself. Love the Knight’s Templar shadow! And the last is superb.
Thanks Rob! It's always an honour to get your opinion, and even better when it's positive. ;) Trust you're mending well!
Definitely an interesting series! It manages well to convey the tranquillity of that sunset,
Thanks Gianluca! 😃 For me, it was a case of trying, but not quite succeeding, at least at the time. But it was just nice to be there so I wasn't too worried.
Superb set of images, Sir. Beautiful light, too. Perfect positioning with the light/shadow play of the building drawing one's eye in to the bovine poser 🐂. The window and it's (anti?)-shadow on the wall opposite is very striking. Then the sublime light in the last image.. wonderful.
Superb set of images, Sir. Beautiful light, too. Perfect positioning with the light/shadow play of the building drawing one's eye in to the bovine poser 🐂. The window and it's (anti?)-shadow on the wall opposite is very striking. Then the sublime light in the last image.. wonderful.
Thanks you Sir! I feel I don't quite deserve that much praise - it was lovely light - but I'll take it! ;)