
Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I've been wondering whether to share this one, as the lighting is...well, you can see what it is. But I do like the here it is:

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Konica Hexar AF, Red Filter, XP2​
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Beverly Hillbillies it was. They were poor farmers who found oil on their land - "Black Gold, Texas Tea", as the theme song told us. We loved that program in our house when we were, oh, about 7 or 8 years old.
Don't get me wrong, I am not well cultured in classic TV and film. I only knew who Harry Lime was because my grandparents had a huge lighter in the shape of a knight in armour. When you picked it up it played the Harry Lime theme tune. My grandparents explained to me about the theme and Harry Lime when I picked it up once.