star trails

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
68 shots processed in lr (and ps to remove some landing airplane trails) and stacked using freeware from i wanted to run the trails a little longer, but we were interrupted. the first two wolf howls weren't too bad, but then they multiplied and got closer. the horses screaming bloody murder in the field next to the barn was our cue to head back to the car...quickly.

Wowzers! That's amazing! Not just the stars, but the whole image - great barn, comp, light...and the stars are not bad either!
That's really good!
What is the source of light on the barn and tree? They both sit really nicely against the mountains in the back ground!
i'm stunned, that shot is literally genius !!
thanks all. forgot to mention, the barn is part of mormon row, part of grand teton national park. i took along a couple of large flashlights for the barn. they're big flashlights and look more like radar guns than flashlights. there were already 3 other photographers light painting the barn when i got there so i let them handle that part. they were using similar spotlights.

but basically, if i was by myself, i would have set the settings on the camera, added the remote cable release, locked it into machine gun mode and gone about light painting while the camera snapped away.

- - - Updated - - -

here's what i have. it's cooler light, which i prefer, but you can gel it. not sure what brand the guys were using that night, but it produced a consistent amount of light on the side of the barn. some flashlights have circle patterns or radial lines running through the light.

coleman led spotlight

edit - forgot to mention, since this was 68 separate shots stacked i was able to composite the foreground from my favorite shots from the series. in other words, the tree was lit in a different shot than the barn. the guys also tried lighting the inside of the barn (i almost wet myself laughing when a couple of bats sent the guy inside screaming), but it didn't work because the windows are black plywood and not glass.
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Fantastic shot Beth - love the final comp effect and the light painting idea

In fact, I have a project that could do with just that effect - so I've put that light on my wish list ;)
Thanks Beth - I'm going to need a big light if I pull the trigger on this project ;)
Well, all I need to do now is to turn ideas into actions, and actually go! :D