Steve McCurry's One-Minute Masterclass - #1

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
First in a series of 10, one minute masterclass videos.

Steve McCurry's photojournalism career began with his coverage of the Soviet war in Afghanistan where he smuggled his film out of the country by sewing it into his clothes. The Magnum photographer's images were among the first of the conflict and won him the Robert Capa Gold Medal for Best Photographic Reporting from Abroad.


Phaidon publishers decided to sit him down and pick his brains on how to get a great picture. As might be expected, the conversation was both lively and revelatory. They’ve edited it into a 10-lesson-strong masterclass (each one around the minute mark) which will give some insight into the way a master photographer like Steve works and offer some good advice to happy snapper and amateur shutterbug alike.

First up, ‘Don’t Forget To Say Hello’ McCurry advises on the best ways to get up close to strangers when shooting in pubic or maybe in a foreign country where you may feel like an outsider.
