Critique Welcomed Street: Tastee Maid, Dude and Parasol

Tastee maid works in color and B&W - I'm liking the B&W myself though - you get the reflection in the windscreen better

The only suggestion on the B&W would be to tweak the cones on the roof so they are darker, and stand out more from the body color.

Including the skyline in the shot really gives it a greg sense of place - and the line of punters too
I really like the Tasty Maid Shots .......... The Colour version is my favourite Rob. Good Stuff.

I think Tasttee Maid works well in both BW and color. However, I personally prefer the BW because it portrays the intense brightness so well and with the kids shielding their eyes from it it works very well indeed. The glare off the windshield adds to the effect also.
I keep coming back to these Rob. I see what Brian means about the B&W version of the van but the colour one is my favourite. I like especially the tones and palette in it. I also like the newspaper-style PP in the man with a small parrot shot. Not so keen on the crop though but I guess there was a reason. And the composition and dynamics of the hot Japanese shot I like a lot. Again maybe a touch more space above but then again the claustrophobic crop suits the image somehow, makes it seem like you were closer than you were and emphasises their apparent confusion.
Thanks, Pete. The crop on the Dude shot was necessary due to irrelevant crap either side of him. He seemed in his own world, anyway.
With the crop for the Japanese ladies, I tried to make them look both comical and alien. Succeeded a wee bit...