Sunshine Gallery

Loving the choices in #4 - do I go left or right??

Which filter did you go for?
I like Hoya HMC filters - use them a lot - great quality and good price point

I have used a cheaper Tiffen 3-stop ND filter, which I found after I purchased it was not multi-coated, and I've been getting flare and lack of contract using it :(

Just ordered the Hoya HMC version last night on Amazon to rectify that problem.

Cost twice the price of the Tiffen, but I expect it to be worth it based on past experience.
Love those bursts of flare in the first two Rob. Really well implemented I think, especially the second - like oil on water! And that landscape view is beautifully balanced and interesting scene especially with the people - it brings to mind some of the paintings by David Inshaw (The David Inshaw website and on-line gallery: home page) and maybe the cover art of Nursery Cryme! I also really like the composition and elements in the last shot but it has a bit too much of a purple cast in the shadow tones of the paving and on the foliage to the left I think. Did that come through the PP?
See what you mean with those David Inshaw paintings - very similar.

Missed the purple shadows in the last one. I just darkened it slightly in Levels, which often renders the colours a little richer, but I think the compression in Flickr has something to do with it. Can't be my fault, of course :rolleyes: