Susan Sleeping

I got the original images by moving the camera back and forth while shooting, then playing with various options in Nik Silver FX. We are being encouraged this week on the Open Uni course to be a bit more experimental...
When I saw the title I thought, "Uh-oh,...Susan's no gonnie be happy wi' you Rob!" Then I saw the foties.

I agree with Lesley: stunning is a good descriptive. I went back and forth trying to determine which I like best. It was very hard. If pressed I'd have to say #1 because of the tone and because it is so much like a drawing. Well done, Rob.
I want some of what ever Rob's been smoking! :D

Other-worldly images Rob - they seem to have soul, not just form - brilliant.
Just make sure you show her your post above when you need you next piece of kit ;)