
Paul Lange

I might have already put this shot on once before, I can't remember if I have or not. I've been playing around with Serif Photoplus X4 which to be fair ain't that bad once you get used to the clunky interface. It can be a little bit unstable but is no where near as resource hogging as PS CS4 which can grind a PC to a halt and then begin to be have very unpredictably. I think its the case that if I wasn't institutionalised by Photoshop over the years the learning curve with Photoplus would have been the same as with PS. Anyway the point is I have just recorded a XP macro and liked the results so thought I would post it.

And so do I Paul. I like the tonality very much and that the main subject is almost out of the frame.

I used to use Corel PhotoPaint years and it was a bit of a struggle to switch to PS but I doubt I could go back even though I still think the Corel cloning tool was better than the one in PS (even in CS5).
Cheers Pete. Yeah it can be hard to change from what you know especially when you get unexpected results because you think that it will all happen the way it did in the other program. Invariably it doesn't but I have spare time, my wife likes to watch TV in the evenings which is something I don't like doing unless I have a specific program to see.
I doubt I'd move away from adobe products really now...
Spent a long time using Photoshop today for work (web stuff as opposed to photo work) and I find I'm really getting to grips with it now ... There are still about 8,000,000 features I don't use ... But I can get it to do what I want now!

Interesting shot Paul! Where was it taken?