Critique Welcomed Taking my camera for a walk - London

David Mitchell

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have just gone into London to take some photos, I packed the FM2n with my 'new' 28mm wide lens and also my D3100, still have to get the film finished and developed but here are the shots I have taken of some of the Architecture on my wander.

Note: this is all shot on the 18-55 kit lens at ISO 200 (I have disabled the camera from going crazy high on ISO), most are shot at around f8ish

Some I have converted to black and white - sorry I didn't know I shot so many lol

There are others but I didn't feel they worked as well, these are my favorites out of the frames I shot, will then compare like for like shots with film and see what they are like.

They all look good to me. It's funny - I really don't like this style of architecture, but I like the photos a lot!

Thanks Rob, yet again the sky was a bit overcast so wasn't that interesting, was slightly better with the shot of the tracks though. I will be interested to see what the film versions are like to see if there is much difference in the look of them, these were all shot on the kit lens, the FM2n had a (really basic but better than nothing) 28mm Vivitar F 2.8 (Japanese made), apparently the Vivitar lenses are rubbish if shot wide open but I seem to remember shooting the FM2n at around F8 like the kit lens.

There are a few more images from my walks around on the forum now as well :)