Tess. A Fading Memory

Tom Dunne

Well-Known Member
Tess, a red and white Irish setter came over from Ireland with us in 1988. We were very lucky to find a loving home for as we were not in a position to keep her; three young girls and staying with friends and relatives until we got our own home. Tess sadly passed away in the mid 1990s.

It is always sad to depart with a love one. Here it is faded into something I'm not able to see Tom. It may be my screen or monitor, but I'm doubtful to that. Is that what you mean by faded?
Yes, the title is the clue. I had to strain to make out the image,...thus reinforcing the memory fading idea, while the off angle frame contributes to the lack of solidity of the memory. That's how I see all this anyway. If that's what you intended you have done it very well, Tom.
Thanks Brian and Ivar
Lads I was hoping the image would be visible enough. It's not immediately obvious but should be clear enough.
Hopefully I haven't messed it up. On my iMac it is apparent enough.
The point I tried to make was an image fading with time almost in unison with our own memories, more or less as Brian indicated.. The off angle idea is to indicate we sometimes forget or neglect.:)
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Very nice, Tom. The red frames the photo well. I quite like the way it takes a while to realise it is a dog laying down with its nose obscured. Also the dog seems to have a melancholy expression thats suits as well.