Critique Welcomed Tetney Saltmarsh, Lincolnshire

Shaun Haselden

Well-Known Member

A photograph taken during the weekend of 13/14 July 2013 at Tetney Saltmarsh on the east coast at Humberston in Lincolnshire It was shot using a Pentax 645 fitted with a standard 75mm f2.8 lens loaded with T-Max 100 which was developed in FX39.​
Very good Shaun. I like the lines of the horizon and the post. At first I thought the flying saucer was a distraction but not combined with the white patch. The white shape (sky) given, it's form by the post works well. I do see it as very good abstract image.
I left the flying saucer in as it is very rare that I capture things in the sky that I hadn't noticed when I click the shutter however almost all of the Lincolnshire coast is a military range with lots of low flying.
This is a smashing image I'd like to say again. There is something exact about the divisions without any ambiguity as if they aught to be anywhere else.
Harking back to my comments about Pete's monolith shot - this has the same elements in it I think.

Nature has provided this flat open landscape, and man has stamped his presence on it with the post

I visited Flag Fen last summer, and was impressed how bronze-age man had tamed the marshland with posts, and raised walkways - even though it took him hundreds of years