The Agrigento Youth

Brian Moore

Took this shot in March of last year at The Getty Villa in Malibu, California.

The statue is "The Agrigento Youth" which was on loan to the Getty from a museum in Italy. He has since been returned to his homeland, but not before being fitted to a special earthquake-resistant base (which is what you see him connected to here.

Before posting this fotie I needed to learn again who he was so I could tell you.(I hadn't taken any notes during my visit.) In doing so I learned about the special base and found a web page with a nice little video about how the base works. I've linked it below the fotie.

Used my Canon F1 and Canon FD 28mm lens with available light. (Can't remember what film, though I could find that information easy enough if somebody wanted to know.)


Agrigento Youth Returns to Italy on a Pedestal
An exit sign and two young ladies. Ah yes, just spotted it, a statue too!! ;) Actually it is the posture of the tow young ladies and the shadow to the right that really appeals to me. What is it that has caught their eyes?!! :)
No, Pete. As I recall, I just wanted to show the Youth's view down the hallway. Then the two young ladies stepped into the frame as I was composing the picture. I snapped the picture at the moment they were on either side of the Youth. By the way, the Youth is no longer a Youth. He dates from 480 B.C. which, if I'm not mistaken, is a VERY early period of the Roman Republic. Thanks for your comments, Pete!