Barry Keavney
Well-Known Member

The Artist with subject and onlooker with little girl. by Barry Keavney, on Flickr

The Artist with subject and onlookers by Barry Keavney, on Flickr
Testing testing!
Here's a shot of a street artist in Birmingham. I imagine he's here as part of the coming Arts Festival and had people standing in admiration of his talent. Oooo's & Ahhhh could be heard.
I got low. Low down. To his eye level and bang, bang, bang...three shoots down. I'm sure I hit some innocent by-passers.
Bang Bang!
All the time I was looking directly into his eye, through my viewfinder; partly obscured by my grid -display and focus point.
Bang Bang. I was shooting, moving, shooting moving. My shutter wheel one click, a third, Bang!. Move my aperture wheel the opposite way one click. Bang! I could see the faces Man! You weren't there man!
The shadows. His face lit only by his canvas. His way of communicating...YOU weren't there man.
I moved slowly against the wall...of a Thorntons chocolate shop. In the shade, as to not disturb the natualr balance of light and depth. Bang, Bang!
"Smile you son of a bitch" I said as I choked on the last bit of the rollie sticking from the left of my mouth.
And I got these two.
I hope the links work now>
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