The Causeway

The first thing I noticed when I saw this image, besides the unusual presentation, were the three white reeds sticking over the wall and I kept looking back at them. I would definitely prefer if they were not there.
I presume this style was created in PP or maybe a filter used or some option within the camera itself. I 'm undecided about this Rob? Is there an original unaltered version in existence? Would be interesting to compare.
Too far, Tom. I would never ask for an original file from someone, just because I didn't like what they had done with it. So, on yer bike!

But I don't love you any less for asking ;)
I think I should be relieved Rob that I didn't say I disliked it. And I'm still undecided.
I would never say I dislike someones photograph but I would offer my opinion on it. My suggestion to see an original was meant purely for discussion purposes. I apologise sincerly if this offended you.
I'm pumping the tyres now:)
It certainly is interesting. The reeds don't disturb me but I'm intrigued by the duck! (?). There's a sort of blasted, summer heat feel to this image and I am reminded of a film from the 60s with Donald Pleasance for some reason: Cul-de-sac. Not just the causeway but the bleached look.
It has been the hottest day of the year so far. There were more people around than I've seen for months. I actually found myself getting annoyed with many of them. The schools are on holiday, so there were a lot of screaming kids running around. At times like this I get quite introverted and withdrawn. I think some of that got into this picture. But I've nothing against ducks...
Initially I read this image another way than it is, thinking the wall sweeping round with the grass was a small river, like one of those inverted images. The the water ripples I read as being sand with the history of the water ripples left at low water. :rolleyes: I calibrated the screen last night which I suspect is why and quite comfortably looks or as is suppose to be this morning, some of the greys were not showing up previously, such as the top of the wall. Some nice touches here Rob. I remember this spot form the past and this is a very different take on it, no better no worse just different. No conclusions as yet, if hung in a gallery would I purchase it? Probably not but I'd certainly stop by and give it some time and thought and get something in return.
Interesting, Julian. Time to get my screen recalibrated too!
I was quite shocked when I plugged in two monitors , how different each was. Both being way out in different departments. So now I get wondering what other's are seeing at their end. I did it manually last nigh which helped a lot but may well put the spider on it to see if that helps at all.
Rob thats a great image, I love the processing and the composition, but the reeds man they have to go:)
As for people in the shot, I give them a few minutes and if I feel they are hanging around a little too much, we have a very good Yorkshire expression for that 2 words the last one is Off
I am a Norseman and where I come from I seldom see such a wonderful high key landscape in black and white, with lines, elements of natures inhabitants as natural as can be, absolutely no butts from me. I think you made a great one and being bold too. some would call it art, I'm sure.:)
Looks almost IR Rob - like the R72 filter shots - very effective