Critique Welcomed The Chinese American Museum

Brian Moore

Discovered this delightful little museum quite by accident. It's on a small side street off the old Los Angeles Plaza.

Canon F1 with FD17/4 and Arista Ultra 400 film processed in Rodinal.


Is everything made in China today? Even museums! :D

I love the bricks, and the rather strange poses of the two men. They do add a dynamic to the image. Looks a nice place.
Trump's making China great again, Rob.

Thanks for the comments. The two individuals, who I took to be father and son, wandered into my field of view as I was considering a shot. I think the intent of the father was to get a picture of his son in the doorway. They had some kind of tete-a-tete regarding posture. I was lucky to capture the fleeting moment of "strange poses." Thanks again, Rob.

Excellent stuff again, Brian (very mature!). I really like the flow of the second but it is the first that grabs the attention. Fabulously quirky. :)
Why thank you Pete. It was taken in my latter period, some two months younger than I am today. :)

Our dear old friend Miss Sarah was with me and undoubtedly guided my timing to capture the quirkiness.

Great pair of images. I particularly like the first one, the figures make it.
Thanks Dave. Much appreciated.