Critique Welcomed The cup that cheers.

Richard Mullard

Active Member
I'm a great tea drinker, can't stand the smell or taste of coffee, so last night when I was having a cuppa an a smoke I thought I'd get a few quick shots with my 1Ds and 40mm 'pancake' to see what sort of bokeh it produces, if it was no good then I haven't lost anything as my Helios 44-2 produces a good enough (for me) bokeh effect. This morning when I uploaded the shots to my PC I'd see if I can make something of them and I think this has turned out reasonable.

The cup that cheers.
par Richard Mullard, on ipernity

Shot details
1/200s @ f2.8
lens profile correction in LR and the 'Toned Mono-Sepia' preset by @Beth Anthony , from the downloads section. I've also uploaded it to my 'NatGeo' page here and I've just checked it on 'NatGeo' and as of 13:11 on 28/09/14, 3 people so far have Favorited it. So there is no accounting for taste.

Any way let me know what you think good or bad.

I think this is a great image as well - quirky due to the visual contrast of the smoothly glazed cup in the industrial setting. Nice job on the B&W conversion too.