Brian Moore
In the Skagit Valley of Washington State there is a tiny and delightful town called Edison. From time-to-time Bald Eagles gather there. I suppose the fields, farms and streams surrounding the town support plenty of food for them at certain times of the year. Anyway, this picture is from two years ago. I think it was Boxing Day, or perhaps the day after. I would like to have gotten nearer because I didn't have a long lens. However, the tree you're looking at is on private property with a home adjacent, just out of the frame, and I didn't want to trespass. Because of this I decided to crop the image to bring the birds closer. The eagles you see here were a mere fraction of the total population of eagles perched on the various trees surrounding us. It was a remarkable sight.
Sigma Quattro SD with Sigma 30/1.4.

Sigma Quattro SD with Sigma 30/1.4.