Critique Welcomed The Eta Carinae Nebula

Stevenson Gawen

Well-Known Member
Had a go at astrophotography last night with my friend Bill.
I'm a novice at anything astronomy related and Bill is a novice with modern cameras - but between us we got a couple of nice shots I think.

This is the best one!
Eta Carinae1_01.jpg
20 2sec exposures, no tracking, Sony A7s, ISO3200 135mm lens.
Stacked in DeepSkyStacker, TIFF file then further processed (mostly just contrast and saturation adjustments) in darktable.
Nicely done, Stevenson. You should do more of this.
Thanks Brian. :) I might just do that...
I can't quite decide whether it's really a technical pursuit or a creative one. Astrophotography I mean.
The stars and things never change after all... it's just matter of collecting enough of the right photons!

(Ok they do change, but rarely in our lifetimes, unless you count things like comets and perhaps the odd supernova.)