The Fence

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
It's about the fence rather than the bluebells because this is typical of farmers and their stock fencing. We are lucky enough to have free access to the land of our closest neighbour (100 acres) and the gentleman who owns the land beyond our fields (some 1500 acres). This spot defines the border between the two :)

I may still have some colour issues with this image, but I'm fed up with Photoshop falling over and I want to go to bed. I think I ought to dig Huey out tomorrow...

Nice comp. love that fence. It defines a boundary that is pleasant, agreeable and soft. I like the color. Maybe there is a little too much blue in the foreground vegetation but the flowers and shade could have caused it. Sorry, can't help much with how one might correct it easily. Still, I like the whole package just the way it is.
I love the way the blues and greens pop
Cheers Pete! The colour was initially too blue and I tried to correct it just before bed. I don't think I did a good job. I thought I had a set formula for getting bluebells right, but it's clearly not working here. I don't think the image is tilted, but the tree does have a sort of "waist" and then bends to one side. I was back there the other week and the place was even more of a jumble. I found the tree and gave it a pat, so I do recall it wasn't straight :)