The Hug

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
This was taken around the time I got the camera out of moth balls and developed a passion for street photography. It was absolutely freezing in London and frankly I couldn't blame this girl for bursting into tears. Of course, there may have been other reasons, but I didn't stop to find out. Half a second later and I was gone, but this remains one of my personal favourites. It got a very bad review on the one (and only) occasion I attempted a LRPS. It may need scanning again, but I have had yet another go at the processing tonight. The light wasn't good and film seems to need a different approach with Nik. I may have to live with this one for a while...

Thank you for asking Lesley...can I call you Zooey? We are doing fine. They have asked us to stay home...and we will. Us Bostonians are tough. Once these killers are caught...the party will begin. And we do know how to party here in New England.
That's quite a look she has Leslie - well spotted
I like it a lot, Lesley. There's a lot going on in the image apart from the emotional center. One of the fellows seated on the stairs seems to be looking at the scene, too. The tones are beautiful as well.

What film/camera combo?

Also, what is the LRPS? (To paraphrase a certain celebrated 19th century London man of letters: If the LRPS supposes that, the LRPS is a ***--a idiot. :))

*** rhymes with lass.
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Thanks all and sorry Brian. I should have said this was taken the same time as the car. So Olympus OM2n, 28mm lens and Ilford HP5. The letters stand for Licenciate of the Royal Photographic Society. You have to provide a set of ten mounted prints, that work as a set, with no blocked or blown bits. I got marked down immediately as their guy putting up the prints in the boxes on the wall stuck his thumb through causing a gap. He didn't correct this and they waved it around the room as an example of bad mounting. (I got mine done professionally). They didn't like my street shots either, which is fine as I decided not long after that I needed letters after my name like I need a hole in the head. :D Seriously though - I think they do support young talent, but only if you stick very closely to their rules...
Very nice moment, Lesley! Great character too. Again very nice tones! Hmmm makes me want to try some film!